Professional Well-Being Newsletter
A weekly nudge designed to help professionals enhance their brain health and mental strength.
Well-being is a journey, not a quick fix
View past newsletters below.
Dogs Increase Human Brain Activation
Interactions with dogs increase activation in the prefrontal cortex which is important to attention, motivation, problem-solving, and social and emotional processing.
Winter Walks & Body Image
Exposure to winter wonderlands can improve body image, and they are likely to improve psychological well-being in the same way that green and blue spaces do.
We Need Light, We Need Love
We are all going through invisible heartbreaks and struggles. Connection, a feeling of psychological safety, and therapy are healing options.
Longevity & Sense of Purpose
Having a sense of purpose appears to be connected to longevity and protective against mortality.
Thank You, Birds
Prescriptions Green, Blue, and Wildlife support getting outdoors and appreciating the sights and sounds of our feathered friends for improving mental health.
Sleep Loss & Working Out
If you want to work out after a short night of sleep, do it in the morning and keep it simple.
Longevity Factors
The capacity for physical activity is a significant predictor of longevity.
Making Anxiety Work for You
Learning to use anxiety as a tool for navigating outcomes you care about can become a source of mental strength.
Omega-3s & Brain Health
Strive to include Omega-3s in your diet to keep your memory-processing hippocampus healthy and to empower cognitive capacity.
Mental Health & Aging
Caring for your mental health, including stress management, is a potential anti-aging intervention.
Sleep & Immune Health
Sleep disruption increases inflammation. Strive for 7 to 8 hours of sleep consistently to reduce risk of inflammation and disease.
Reshaping our Reactions to Stress
Reshaping how stress arousal is interpreted can result in a challenge response, where attention bias toward negative information is reduced, and cardiovascular response is efficient, rather than harmful.
Exercise & Yoga Reduce Alcohol Cravings
Exercise and yoga can reduce the urge to consume alcohol, and aerobic exercise (anything that raises your heart rate) can reduce anxiety and improve your mood.
Cardiovascular Health Predicts Brain Health
Cardiovascular health may predict neurodegeneration. Regular exercise is one way to protect both cardiovascular and brain health.
Processed Food & Mental Health
UPF consumption likely has an adverse impact on mental health. Whole foods, such as fruit, vegetables, beans, nuts, and whole grains, are more nutritious and promote mental well-being.
The Impact of the 24/7 Adverse News Cycle
The conflict and drama meant to capture attention and “sell” news can increase stress, anxiety, and physical distress. When news consumption overwhelms or interferes with relationships and responsibilities, consider limiting your news consumption.
Nature & Diet
Summer is a great time to get out in nature, which may increase your sense of nature relatedness, as well as increase the amount of fruit and veggies that you eat. Perhaps a farmer’s market is in order!
Vitamin D & Brain Health
Researchers found a causal association between Vitamin D deficiency and risk of dementia at the 10-year follow up with participants. Those participants with the lowest Vitamin D levels had the greatest dementia risk.