Professional Well-Being Newsletter
A weekly nudge designed to help professionals enhance their brain health and mental strength.
Well-being is a journey, not a quick fix
View past newsletters below.
Physical Activity Lowers Disease Risk
Physical activity is likely to lower your risk for dementia, stroke, anxiety, depression, and sleep problems.
How Sleep Deprivation is Sabotaging Your Immune System
Sleep is crucial for recovery. Sleep is when the body can regenerate and repair itself. The immune system also needs adequate sleep to function optimally.
Brain Maintenance
Exercise and cardiorespiratory fitness are neuroprotective against brain aging.
Meditation & Mental Pliancy
Meditation practice can enhance attention control, improve concentration, and inhibit distraction.
Aging & Eating
To slow biological aging, consider eating more vegetables and fruits, and limiting red and processed meat, fast food, and sugary drinks.
Sleep & Mental Strength
Getting sufficient sleep is likely to enhance emotional well-being via regulation of unwanted thoughts or memories.
Brain Health & Meat
Substituting meat with nuts or beans, and/or reducing meat consumption, is likely to preserve cognitive functioning and reduce the risk of dementia.
Kindness Improves Mental Strength & Social Connection
Kindness is mutually beneficial. It improves the lives of others, while enhancing empathy, resilience, memory, and social connection, and improving symptoms of anxiety and depression.
New Year, Never Too Late
Incremental lifestyle changes can improve brain health and mental strength. It is Never Too Late to start.
Gratitude-minded people tend to be less lonely, more stress-resilient, and more optimistic, likely because they are more tuned in to the good things in life.
The Mental Strength of Savoring
Savoring increases our capacity for joy by enhancing our reward sensitivity.
Brain Health & Polyphenols
To positively impact the trajectory of brain aging, consider reducing sugar and simple carbs, and consuming green tea and Mankai.
Restorative Contribution of Dogs
Dogs improve many aspects of our mental and physical health.
Diet & Anxiety
A high-fat diet increased anxiety in rats. Decreasing fat and sugar, and increasing fruit, vegetables, and fiber can improve gut microbiome balance, reduce inflammation, improve immune function, and reduce anxiety.
Self-Compassion Micropractice
Anxiety, self-doubt, and perfectionism lead to suffering. A daily self-compassion micropractice can improve self-awareness and reduce stress.
Impacts of Sleep & Exercise on the Brain
Brain healthy habits, such as sufficient sleep and regular exercise, can positively impact brain function and cognitive capacity for up to 15 days.
Sugar & Memory
To improve the health and function of your hippocampus, which empowers your memory and expertise, consider reducing your intake of sugar and simple carbs.
Brain Health Score Card
Higher Brain Care Scores are associated with lower risk of dementia and stroke.
Mental Health Benefits of Omega-3s
Omega-3 fatty acids may be protective against the negative impacts of stress. They may reduce stress hormone levels and decrease inflammation. They may also reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.