Professional Well-Being Newsletter
A weekly nudge designed to help professionals enhance their brain health and mental strength.
Well-being is a journey, not a quick fix
View past newsletters below.
Dogs & Cortisol
A new study shows that interactions with therapy dogs lowered the stress hormone cortisol in children ages 8 and 9, in both mainstream and special education needs schools in the UK.
Magic of Polyphenols
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, including some coffee, green tea, pomegranate juice, and dark chocolate, can provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuro-beneficial protection against the risk of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer's disease.
Vaping & Inflammation
Researchers expressed concern about the potential for vaping to increase substance misuse and other mental health disorders, as well as raising the risk for problems in the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.
Habits to Lower Dementia Risk
Researchers expressed concern about the potential for vaping to increase substance misuse and other mental health disorders, as well as raising the risk for problems in the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.
Dogs & Mental Health
Petting and interacting with a dog can enhance happiness and reduce stress, loneliness, and negative emotions.
Walking Pace & Longevity
A brisk walking pace is likely to improve health and enhance longevity via the protection of telomeres.
Plan to be Outside
The weather is warming up and being outside is beneficial to your mental and physical well-being. Make a plan to spend some time in natural settings.
Grit & Well-being
You are likely to improve your well-being if you embrace the practice of listing your goals, crafting strategies and an action plan to achieve each goal, and persisting through the inevitable challenges that arise.
Why Exercise Improves Mood
Moderate exercise is a mental health intervention that can improve your mood quickly.
Alcohol & Brain Size
Daily alcohol consumption may shrink important brain structures. It is worth considering replacing some alcohol consumption with other activities or forms of stress reduction.
Exercise Relieves Impacts of Trauma
Moderate exercise is a mental health intervention that can improve your mood quickly.
Recovery from Stressful Phase
Various studies have shown that: Exercise can protect telomere length; Without 7-9 hours of sleep, telomere length decreases; Consuming lots of fruits and vegetables appears to protect telomere length; and; Strong relationships help lower inflammatory proteins, which lower the risk of biological aging.
Self-Concept & Well-being
This research supports the need to train for, and accept in, all people a balance of communal and agentic personality traits to promote individual well-being, maximize human potential, and solve the world’s wicked problems.
The Problem with Grind Culture
Overwork increases your risk of cardiovascular disease. Increased release of stress hormones and unhealthy coping mechanisms may heighten this risk. Work-life balance is likely to lower stress and increase your capacity to eat healthfully, get sufficient exercise and sleep, and reduce alcohol consumption related to increased stress.
Walking with the Wind
Now that Daylight Saving Time provides more light at the end of the day, it’s time to give the refreshing Dutch pastime, uitwaaien, a try!
Vigorous Exercise Reduces Risk of Pain
Regular vigorous exercise lowers the risk of developing chronic musculoskeletal pain as you age.
Sleep Clears Waste from Brain
This study supports the theory that fluid is transported out of the human brain during sleep to clear waste, which lowers the risk of brain disorders such as Alheimer’s disease. Getting adequate sleep should be a priority to protect brain health.
Exercise Improves Synaptic Integrity
Exercise is consistently linked to better brain health.