Supercharge Your Neuro-Intelligence
Normally this space is about you. I strive to provide a little science each week that inspires you to look after yourself. Today, it is about you and me.
I am proud to announce that my book - The Legal Brain: A Lawyer’s Guide to Well-being and Better Job Performance – is available for pre-order on Amazon and Cambridge University Press (AUSTIN24 at checkout for 20% discount).
Non-lawyers, stay with me.
Lawyers and law students, Chapter 1: The Impaired Lawyer, summarizes research on the illness and suffering of people in our profession from all over the world. Chapter 3: The Lawyering Culture reveals the aspects of our work and study environments that create well-being problems.
Non-lawyers, most of my book applies to everyone. The following chapters will inform you about building and maintaining brain health and mental strength:
Chapter 2: The Spectrum from Languishing to Flourishing
Chapter 4: The (Lawyer) Brain
Chapter 5: Memory, Knowledge, and Building Expertise
Chapter 6: Motivation, Reward, and Developing Habits
Chapter 7: The Impact of Stress
Chapter 8: The Influence of Self-Medication
Chapter 9: The Importance of Fuel
Chapter 10: Optimizing Brain Health
Chapter 11: Enhancing Mental Strength
Chapter 12: Developing an Action Plan for Neuro-Intelligence (for the Neuro-Intelligent Lawyer)
Chapter 13: The Neuro-Intelligent Organization (for the Neuro-Intelligent Legal Organization)
I would be greatly honored if you would consider pre-ordering my book. The science demonstrates we can all get healthier, happier, and more productive.
To help you decide, please review the expanded Table of Contents and the 11 Book Reviews. If the book looks compelling, I would appreciate it if you would spread the word to your friends and networks. All brains can use an upgrade.
Thank you
Well-being is a journey, not a quick fix.
#brainhealth #mentalstrength #professionalbrain #lawyerbrain #lawyerwellbeing