Exercise & Brain Size

Our brains shrink as we age.  Prior research demonstrates a link between increased physical activity and reduced risk of dementia. 

Researchers investigated the link between physical activity and brain size.  They scanned the brains of 10,125 healthy participants, ages 18-97, and 48% female.  They defined moderate to vigorous physical activity as movement that increased respiration and pulse rate for at least 10 nonstop minutes, and 75% of the participants reported participating in regular physical activity.

The study revealed that regular exercisers had larger brain volumes in their:

  • Gray matter, which aids information processing;

  • White matter, which connects brain regions to each other; and

  • Hippocampus, which is critical for learning and memory.

One of the researchers stated, “increased physical activity is a predicter of a healthier aging brain.”

Takeaway: Exercise is neuroprotective because it helps to maintain brain size as we age.  The benefits of regular exercise include lower risk of dementia, more robust memory, and more effective information processing.

Well-being is a journey, not a quick fix.


Cyrus A. Raji, et al., Exercise-Related Physical Activity Relates to Brain Volumes in 10,125 Individuals, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 1-11, Dec. 7,2023, Exercise-Related Physical Activity Relates to Brain Volumes in 10,125 Individuals - IOS Press.

Dianna Murray, Stay Active, Boost Brain Health: Exercise Linked to Larger Brain, Neuroscience News, Dec. 14, 2023, Stay Active, Boost Brain Health: Exercise Linked to Larger Brain - Neuroscience News.

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