Eustress v. Distress
Stress is a physical and psychological reaction to a demand.
Stress can build resources in small doses. A small amount of anxiety about an event that we care about, when our body and mind get stretched and pushed out of our comfort zone for a short period and then we recover, is known as eustress or acute stress. Short-term or acute stress events can enhance resilience just like exercise enhances strength and endurance.
Long-term chronic stress causes negative health impacts all over our body when our stress response system is operating in overdrive. This type of distress also causes anxiety and depression. Chronic stress impairs brain function, making it harder to concentrate, remember, and learn new material.
You may be approaching stress overload if your stress feels unrelenting or uncontrollable, you can’t relax, you start avoiding people or situations, you can’t regulate your emotions, you have trouble sleeping, you have headaches or stomach problems, or you get sick more often.
Takeaway: Chronic stress causes digestive problems, compromises the immune system, raises blood pressure, and reduces cognitive function. We all need a stress management plan and some activities that can help reduce the stress hormone cortisol include exercise, meditation, and spending time outdoors.
Book Update: I began my research into well-being by studying the impact of stress and cognition. My book, The Legal Brain: A Lawyer’s Guide to Well-being and Better Job Performance, will be available in June 2024. I have included the expanded Table of Contents below the Sources for those interested in a preview.
Well-being is a journey, not a quick fix.
Safia Debar, Mayo Clinic, The Two Faces of Stress: Nurturing Resilience and Recognizing Overload, Neuroscience News, Oct. 28, 2023, The Two Faces of Stress: Nurturing Resilience and Recognizing Overload - Neuroscience News.
Deidre McPhillips, Stress May Lead to Lower Cognitive Function, Study Finds, CNN, Mar. 7, 2023, Stress may lead to lower cognitive function, study finds | CNN.
#brainhealth #mentalstrength #professionalbrain #lawyerbrain #lawyerwellbeing
The Legal Brain: A Lawyer’s Guide to Well-being and Better Job Performance
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Impaired Lawyer
American Law Students and Lawyers
Lawyers from Around the World
Chapter 2: The Spectrum from Languishing to Flourishing
Imposter Syndrome
Social Comparisons
Trained Pessimism
Emotion Regulation
Energy and the Introvert-Extrovert Spectrum
Personalities and Strengths are Shaped by Transmitters and Hormones
Languishing and Longevity
Positive Psychology and Flourishing
Chapter 3: The Lawyering Culture
The Business Case for Lawyer Well-being
The Role of Competition and Chronic Stress
Three Well-being Frameworks
The Potential of Neuro-Intelligence
Chapter 4: The Lawyer Brain
Brain Basics
Risks to Brain Health
Chapter 5: Memory, Knowledge, and Building Expertise
Chapter 6: Motivation, Reward, and Developing Habits
Chapter 7: The Impact of Stress
Wisdom of the Body
Acute Stress
Chronic Stress
How Chronic Stress Causes Brain Damage in the Emotional Brain
How Chronic Stress Causes Brain Damage in the Thinking Brain
Cognitive Capacity, Learning, and Memory Under Chronic Stress
Vicarious Trauma
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS)
Trauma and High Intelligence
Environmental Sensitivity
Trauma and Cognitive Capacity
Empowering Recovery
Chapter 8: The Influence of Self-Medication
Substance Misuse
Addiction to Overwork
Healing Overconsumption
Chapter 9: The Importance of Fuel
Neuro-destructive Conditions
Mild Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s Disease
Oxidative Stress
Blood Sugar, Insulin Resistance, and Glycation
Cardiovascular Disease
Malfunctioning Gut Microbiome
Foods That Impair Brain Health
Processed Food
Foods That Optimize Brain Health
Foods to Reduce Anxiety and Depression
Food and Longevity
Simple Ways to Start Making Brain Healthy Nutrition Changes
Chapter 10: Optimizing Brain Health
Building Brain Health
Protecting the Brain Against Aging
Improving Mental Health
Becoming Enamored with Exercise
Chapter 11: Enhancing Mental Strength
Strategies to Improve Obstacles to Mental Strength
Lack of Self-Awareness
Imposter Syndrome
Social Comparisons
Overcoming Trained Pessimism
Gratitude to Enhance Optimism
Regulating Negative Thoughts and Feelings
Regulating Anxiety
Reevaluating Stressful Events
Reshaping Negative Emotions
Strategies for Introverts
Increase Your Neuro-Signature Awareness
Healthy Practices that Build Mental Strength
Growth Mindset and Motivation
Reshaping our Reactions to Short-Term Stress
Nature Therapy
Restorative Contributions of Dogs
Creative Play
Chapter 12: Developing an Action Plan for the Neuro-Intelligent Lawyer
It is Never Too Late to Start
Healthy Aging and Motivation
Grit and Well-being
Action Plan
Stress Management
Brain Health
Mental Strength
From Action Plan to Durable Change
Fresh Starts
Habit Stacking
Tracking Habits
Maintaining Habits
Chapter 13: The Neuro-Intelligent Legal Organization
Lawyer Well-being Recommendations
Addressing Grind Culture and Overwork
Outcome Cultures
Managing Deep and Shallow Work
Reset Activities
Minimizing Burnout
Detoxing from Overwork
Leveraging the Energy of Introverted and Extroverted Lawyers
Cultivating Neuro-signature Diversity
Understanding Psychological Safety
The Importance of Belonging
Psychological Safety Improves Organizations
Cultivating a Psychologically Safe Environment
Facilitating Change
Better Employee Well-being Improves the Bottom Line
Individual and Organizational Action
Culture Change is the Lawyer Well-being Moonshot
Flourishing Individuals and Thriving Organizations
Legal Organization Action Plan
Reasoning from First Principles
Neuro-Intelligent Job Crafting
Neuro-Intelligent Psychological Safety Checklist for Leaders
The Neuro-Intelligent Lawyer Leader is a Maverick
The Significance of the Neuro-Intelligent Lawyer and Legal Organization
We Need Light, We Need Love