Fitness Protects Brain Volume
Aging causes the hippocampus to shrink 1-2% per year in older adults without dementia, and this loss increases the risk of cognitive impairment. The hippocampus is our memory processor.
Researchers were interested in the impact of a 1-year program of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on hippocampus volume in older adults. The 120 sedentary participants were all between 55 and 80 years old, healthy and without dementia. Researchers assigned 60 participants to the walking exercise group and 60 to the stretching control group.
They discovered that the exercise group increased the size of their hippocampus by 2% in a year, while the control group suffered a decrease of 1.4% during that timeframe. The exercise group also had better performance on a spatial memory task. Increased hippocampal volume was directly related to improved memory function.
Takeaway: Hippocampus loss with aging is not inevitable, and it can be reversed with moderate-intensity exercise such as walking. Greater physical fitness is neuroprotective, and it is never too late to enhance cognition or augment brain volume.
Well-being is a journey, not a quick fix.
The Legal Brain: A Lawyer’s Guide to Well-being and Better Job Performance is available on Amazon.
One reviewer said:
The Legal Brain is magnificent. The book goes beyond general intelligence and emotional intelligence to explain neuro-intelligence: the ways lawyers can cultivate habits that promote brain health – because lawyers’ central asset is their brain. Professor Debra Austin has written an extremely accessible book, packed with information about how to overcome some of lawyers’ most significant challenges, such as perfectionism, trained pessimism, and the imposter syndrome. Beyond that, The Legal Brain is an uplifting read, sprinkled with thoughtful, unusual, and inspirational quotes, and offering specific checklists and action plans. It contains powerful tools for lawyers to detox, reset, and become more productive and satisfied in their life and work.
Nancy Levit, author of The Happy Lawyer: Making a Good Life in the Law, Associate Dean for Faculty and Curators’ Professor of Law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law.
Kirk I. Erickson, et al., Exercise training increases size of hippocampus and improves memory - PubMed (, Jan. 31, 2011.
Exercise training increases size of hippocampus and improves memory - PMC (, Feb 15, 2011.
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